
Monday, November 12, 2012

Day Five: Miracles

As I sat down to write for today’s theme, I wondered if I even had any miracles or answered prayers to write about. Of course I have had them, but off the top of my head, I couldn’t think of many. But as my friend Kezzia reminded me, they don’t have to be miracles in the conventional way. Miracles can happen in an instant, or over a long period of time. Sometimes answers to prayer aren’t discernible until the struggle is over. But they are there just the same, and waiting for me to look back and remember them.

This year, I really have had many miracles and answered prayers. They’re more of the less-discernible type, but they’re definitely miracles, and I’m thankful for every one.

Probably the most obvious miracles have to do with my car. My dear (problematic) car has had many issues. I’ve stayed in town more than once waiting for it to get fixed. These experiences with my car have taught me and changed me. I still hate to hear a not-nice sound, but God continues to teach me to rely on Him and rest my thoughts in Him. Recently, I had plans to visit my family for the weekend, to spend time with my mom for her birthday, but my car was making bad noises, so I finally agreed to have my friends look at it. Their diagnosis? I couldn’t make the trip. But I had prayed about it, and God had given me peace for no matter what happened. I made a couple of phone calls, and was (amazingly) able to get my car in that Friday afternoon and get the problem fixed right away. And I was able to go on to my family’s home that day! God had not only given me peace, but He helped me get home. What a special answer that was!

As mentioned in my first post, one of the big blessings this year has been answers to prayers pertaining to future plans and dreams. Those plans are still in the works, and not disclosable until they’re more final, but it has been amazing to see clear answers as to God’s leading.

God has given me the strength needed to lead out in youth outreach activities when a headache made me want to stay in bed instead. He’s opened my eyes to deeper truths in His Word. He’s given me good things to think about when my thoughts wander. He’s designed magazine pages for me when all I had was a blank screen (and brain). God has changed (and is changing) me to be more responsible and disciplined. He’s done these, and so much more.

In order to have answered prayers, prayer itself is essential. I want to keep the way open for God to perform miracles in my life!

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