It's always been my dream...
I remember singing about the missionary plane in kindergarten, reading Norma Youngberg books at night by flashlight as an eight-year-old, and going on two life-changing mission trips to the Philippines when I was seventeen and nineteen. Watching mission videos, hearing missionaries speak, seeing the need of people around the world...
And now, my dream has nearly come true. I get to be a foreign missionary.
To which country? That in itself has been a journey. I had plans; God's differed. But He has led, closed and opened doors, given advice through the voices of friends and family, and now I'm making plans to go teach at a school in Cambodia at the end of August.
My friends Sarah and Laura went to teach at Wat Preah Yesu, a children's orphanage and school, a couple of years ago. I kept up with them a little as they went over and wrote of their experiences teaching there at school. Little did I know that I would get to live similar adventures later down the road!
Another wonderful opportunity has been placed across my path as well - a month-long summer missionary training program with AFM (even though I won't be a missionary with them). And so (pending my acceptance there, at this point) I plan to travel to Michigan in July to learn from experts in the field before I begin my overseas journey. I am really looking forward to it!
It is a sad thing to leave my station at Young Disciple, but I believe that the challenges and opportunities ahead are God-led. The past six years have been amazing and full of lessons, miracles, and forever friends, and I am excited to see what God has in store for this new chapter of life.
I will share more later about Cambodia and other details of life. Stay posted!
P.S. I currently sponsor a young girl at an orphanage in Myanmar, but due to the expenses of my upcoming trip, I will no longer be able to support her. Would you consider "adopting" her as your own? If God places this on your heart, please let me know and I can give you more information. :-)