Thursday, March 7, 2013


A touching story...

that requires action.

Watch, and see if you don't shed a few tears yourself...

Timothy from Reel Mission Productions on Vimeo.

(thanks, Schane.)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The little stuff

It's the little things that really brighten life. I keep a list of simple things that cheer me and remind me of God's ever-present love. Here's a condensed version:

  • Adobe InDesign.
  • Music alarms on my iPod.
  • Scripture Typer.
  • An organized to do list.
  • Encouraging blogposts (especially missions or practical and applicable spiritual truths).
  • Old songbooks (ever heard of Literature Evangelists Sing?).
  • Sleeping in.
  • Special nuggets from studying God's Word.
  • Expecting packages in the mail.
  • Listening to owls hooting in the woods.
  • Productive Sundays.
  • Being the last house on a country road (in other words, the middle of nowhere).
  • Starting memorization on a new chapter in Acts.
  • Friends who know just how to cheer me up.
  • Summer.
  • A pile of books to read.
  • The mail-order library (where the above books come from.)
  • Full moon brightness.
  • My cozy little bedroom.
  • Hot dogs over the fire.
  • Having plenty of time to simply READ (rare, indeed).
  • Homemade laundry soap.
  • Christmas peacefulness.
  • Missionary friends to pray for.
  • Church Christmas programs (especially cute kiddos who steal the show).
  • Busy work days.
  • Sitting next to a wiggly 4-year-old (and then he flings arms round you and proclaims, "I love you!").
  • Design assistants.
  • Reading back through my journal and seeing how God has led.
  • A warm kitty girl sleeping by my feet all night.
  • Diminishing my list of memorization review left to do.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mission in the moment

The big picture is important, but individual moments are what counts: