Sunday, January 1, 2012

Discovery of the year

Hello to the new year! Somehow I sense that this year is just going to be the very best ever. I have been inspired and changed by GYC, and I want to carry its principles home with me. I want to work more than ever for God's service. I want my church to be revived. I want prayer to be a huge part of my life. I want to do all I can to reach souls for Jesus. But there's something different than I've had before. Something that's somehow been overlooked, even though it's stood right in front of me for as long as I have known. A requirement that precedes all priorities and desires to do right:

I must constantly be in contact with Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit's power.

Last year I tried to do all I could to be of service to God. But that's just what happened--it was all that I could do, which isn't worth anything at all! By the end of last year (2011), I was so tired out from everything I was trying to do that I just couldn't grow any more. But I've made the above discovery that was an obvious one. A "duh" moment...

There is NO WAY that I can do any of the things God wants me to do without His strength, and without being filled with His Holy Spirit. I've been a fool to even attempt those things!

This year, 2012, I want to rethink my plans. Over the past week, I have been evaluating the last year and deciding what needs to change. But even now, I'm not so sure that those plans are what God would have me do every day. I pray that as I decide on my goals and aims, the Lord will shape me to be more like Him.

I want to reach my home town. I want to do my utmost best at work. I want my church to experience true revival. I want to entrust my future to my Creator.

And how is this to be done?

Only through the divine strength of the Holy Spirit. Through quality time spent before His throne, in prayer and study of His Word.

A happy new year to you!